Sunday, April 3, 2011

Grandma! Rest in peace

Back home after a 4-day trip to my hometown, it's not a relaxing or traveling trip though, I need to get back there to make it up to my absence during my grandma's funeral.It's hard to say that if I'm regretting for not presenting at the saddest day of my whole family or not. To be honest, I did feel sad and miserable when hearing that my grandma has passed away, but the feeling soon faded away. I know, maybe because I'm the only one grand daughter that not very close to grandma. Everybody was crying a lot, so why was I not ????? Looking at the photos of the funeral, at my grandma lying there in the coffin gave me goose pumps and brought me to the real tears. So this is the emotion when one person of your family leaves you. You can't see her face anymore, can't listen to her voice anymore. Everything is in the past, in the past. I wonder how it will be in the after life, is that a better place as everybody always says?
Seeing my aunt being sad and lonely after my grandma's death, I know from now on she could just live on with the memories. grandma is really gone and I think living people should carry on doing the same things as before. 

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